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Sunday, February 13, 2011

First batch of eggs came!! On a sunday?

First batch of eggs came today!! I don't understand how the post office delivered them on a Sunday but it was a guy in a SUV who brought weird. Anyways they are here!! Yay



  1. WOOO-HOOOO! Our live chicks came on a Sunday night, the post office called my house at 3:30am
    to tell us to come pick them up. Until then I never realized the PO has a very special way of handling live animals & fertile eggs. very cool!
    I can't wait to see the eggs in the incubator!
    What breeds did you end up getting?


  2. Kelly,

    We ended up getting Buff orpingtons, barred rocks and silkies. I don't think we are going to have luck with the barred rock eggs since we had to wait for the other eggs before putting them in the incubator. I may order a couple day old chicks of them though so I have a mix to choose from :)
