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Sunday, May 22, 2011

The chickens are soooo big!

We are now down to 6 chickens(by choice) We gave away all of our roosters and some hens. We only wanted to keep about 4-6 chickens in our flock so this is perfect. They love their coop and pen and love table scraps!! I hope we get some eggs soon! It is so fun having chickens, everyone in the neighborhood comes over to seem them like we have a farm.

I need to take pictures of each chicken now, they are huge! We have
Thelma(black silkie)
Louise or lovelove as hannah renamed her because she is so sweet(white silkie)
Lucy(buff orphington)
Charlotte(buff orphington)
Scarlet(barred rock)
Betsy(barred rock)

so thats our flock! they are so cute and friendly and come running now to the pen door to see if we have treats for them. I love when we open the coop door in the morning and then run out in a circle very fast!

I will try to post pictures soon!


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