The eggs are officially in the incubator and the incubator is officially on!
We have
10 Barred rocks-which I don't think we will have great success with the hatch rate since we had these waiting the longest to go in the incubator
6 Buff Orphingtons
12 Silkies
so since all didn't go to plan with getting them into the incubator on Wed our new dates are
Temps right now are 99.3 which will hopefully rise a bit by tomorrow
Humidity is 45%
Add water for last time at day 18- March 8th
Remove egg turner at day 18- March 8th
Eggs should hatch between day 19 and 25- March 9th-March 15th
I am really praying we get some to hatch!
I plan to candle the eggs at day 7 to see if any are growing, so check back around the 25th for that update and I am sure I will make some small updates until then.
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