Well even though everyone said not to I HAD to candle the eggs when I added water to the incubator. After our mishap I could cry knowing that we did not kill them!! Out of 30 eggs total we decided that 15 eggs are moving around and growing!! Being that I am a nurse and a science freak we decided to crack open the 15 eggs that had no sign of life! Two out of those 15 eggs had a small little embryo growing in it but probably stopped growing at day 5 ,I decided this from looking at pictures. The other eggs that we opened were either not fertile or got messed up in shipping so they never grew. So I am happy with 15 eggs right now and if about half of those hatch we should end up with about 7-8 chicks!!
I tried to take some pictures of the chicks in the eggs but it was so hard for them to come out clear. I will defiantly be posting pictures as soon as we have progress with the chicks hatching though!
I am so excited!!!
Great update Jess! You are doing great, can't wait for the next update!